The National Research Journal of Information Technology and Information Science (NRJITIS) is an Biannual peer reviewed refereed research journal that publishes articles which contribute new results and theoretical ideas in all areas of Management, Computer Science, Information Technology & Information Sciences. The journal focuses on all technical and practical aspects of Management, Computer Science & Information Technology & Information Science. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on advanced networking concepts and establishing new collaborations in these areas. Authors are solicited to contribute to this journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the Computer Software Engineering & Management.
•Artificial Intelligence •Computer Networking and Communication •Database Systems •Parallel Computation •Distributed Computation •Computer-human Interaction •Computer Graphics •Operating Systems •Numerical and Symbolic Computation Any other Multidisciplinary related fields.
The Journal NRJITIS is Published by National Press Associates. NRJITIS is print version journal. After the publication of every paper the Researcher will get printed hard copy along with publication certificate.
ISSN: 2350-1278 (Print)
Submit Papers to
All previous issues are available in print version only.
Manuscript preparation
A Submission check list is available to help authors for relevant data and information
File Formats
1. Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx)
General Formatting
1. Document should be single-colomn text without manual hyphenating at the breaks.
2. Use double line spacing throughout the manuscript.
3. Font type shManuscript Guidelines for Authorsould be (Times New Roman) 10pt.
4. Use “symbol” font type for greek/special characters.
5. Numbers, either at the beginning of the paragraph or within the text should be elaborated, If it is less than ten
Research Papers
Full length research papers should be formatted as given below :
1. Title
2. Author name and Affiliations
3. Keywords
4. Introduction
5. Materials and Methods
6. Results and Discussion
7. Conclusion
8. Acknowledgements, If any
9. References
The title should be clear, short and informative. As far as possible, abbreviations should be avoided. If used, the name should be first indicated in full; by the short form.
Authors names and affiliations
Provide names of all authors who have made substantial contributions to the work with their first name and last (family) name and designate the corresponding author with an asterisk. Below this, the complete institutional address should be given. Arabic numerical should procede the address and the place them as superscript after the respective author’s name.
Running Title
A running title is mandatory and should not exceed 60 characters and spaces.
The abstract should not exceed 350 words. The abstract should not be structed and clearly describe the major findings reported in the manuscript. Avoid using citations or references in the abstract. Standard abbreviations such as ATP or DNA need not be defined; However, a list of non-standard abbreviations is encouraged and should be elaborated in parentheses the first time it is used in the text.
Authors are requested to supply 3 to 6 keywords separated by a semicolon that will provide indexing references to the article.
The introduction should outline the background of the research, purpose, significance and should include the rationale of the work being reported.
Materials and Methods
Author should describe the experimental methods employed in the work in sufficient detail. Use of subheadings is encouraged. The statistical method and level of significance, if any, should be stated clearly.
Results and Discussion
Results and Discussion should be clear and precise. The results should be explained with respect to the findings in author’s experiments. Information provided in tables or figures should not be reiterated in the text. Include subheadings for proper explanation of results.
Present the major interpretations and conclusions of the paper.
Table should be kept to a minimum, inserted at appropriate places in the text and it should have only top header and bottom borders. Each table should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and supplied with a heading on the top of the table
Figures should be high resolution (300dpi) and attach them as separate files either in GIF or JPEG formats or embed at appropriate places in the text. Use Arabic numerals to designate figures (For example, Figure 1: Heading…) when referring figures in the text, authors are encouraged to cite them as Fig.1 and so on. Description of the figure should be given below each figure.
References should be numbered in square brackets (For example:[4], [7-9], 6,12] ) and listed at the end in the order of appearance in the text. Unpublished or submitted manuscript should not be included in the reference list. When there are more than three authors, then the first three author’s name should be mentioned followed by ‘et al’. Journal should be abbreviated according to chemical abstracts. Authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the references.
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